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Ddux - Minified React State Manager

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Avoid the hassle of going through provider consumer stuff of state manager such as Redux or Flux. Ddux is a minified state manager for React JS and React Native. It can be use with single line of code avoiding all bombarding complexity of usual state manager. Let’s use this light weight package of only 4kb using old school method.

Why to use DDUX ?

Ddux is a minified library with extensive feature. It is around only 4KB. It uses old school method of static class which won’t affect performance of your application.

It allows to handle both state values and global values from any part or component of the application.

Only 1 liner code is enough and no other hassle of creating store and dispatching.

It allows to call methods of parent element (or vice versa) from within multilevel grand-child. It saves from the hassle of passing the method as props on each level.


Installation is done using the npm install command:

npm install ddux

Pre-usage Setup


class Main extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { }; }

componentDidMount(){ }

componentWillUnmount() { }

render() { return ( <div>My clild components here.</div> ); } }

const main = DduxHOC(Main) export { main as Main }

## Usage
- Import Ddux and get the initialized state value or global variable.

Please note that the method in the parent component should be bind with this. Refer the below snippet :


  changeParent = (value)=>{
      this.setState({parentValue: value})


A full Demo project is available in example folder to test and implement all the features of Ddux.
